Welcome to Braemar, Lake Zurich, IL
The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2, and these pages are updated every 15 minutes.
The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.
Blinking green light indicates a new all-time record has been set. Click light to go to records page.
Forecast :
Last Update: |
12/4/2024 | 10:00 PM | |
Temperature and Humidity |
Temperature |
18.0 °F | Temperature Change in Last Hour |
-2.3 °F |
Average Temperature |
28.4 °F |
Humidity |
66% |
Heat Index |
18.0 °F | Wind Chill |
18.0 °F |
Dew Point |
8.5 °F | Cloud Base |
2159 ft |
Rainfall |
Rainfall Rate |
0.00 in/hr |
Rainfall This Month |
0.00 in |
Rainfall Last Hour |
0.00 in |
Rainfall This Year |
30.13 in |
Rainfall Today |
0.00 in |
Last Measured Rainfall |
8:40 AM on Nov 22 |
Rainfall Last 24h |
0.00 in |
Minutes Since Last Measured Rainfall |
18080 |
Current Storm Total |
0.00 in |
Current Storm Start |
----- |
Wind |
Current Wind Speed |
0.0 mph |
Wind direction |
W |
Wind Speed (gust) |
0.0 mph |
Wind Bearing |
276 |
Wind Speed (avg) |
0.0 mph |
Wind Bearing (avg) |
0° --- |
Beaufort Scale |
F0 |
Calm |
Barometer |
Sea Level Pressure |
29.871 in |
Rising Rapidly |
0.052 in/hr |
Altimeter Pressure |
29.808 in |
Sun and Moon |
Sunrise |
7:05 AM |
Sunset |
4:21 PM |
Dawn |
6:34 AM |
Dusk |
4:52 PM |
Sunrise To Sunset |
9 hrs 16 min |
Dawn To Dusk |
10 hrs 18 min |
Moonrise |
10:27 AM |
Moonset |
7:14 PM |
Moon Phase |
Waxing Crescent |
Amount of Moon Visible |
16% |
Location and Station Status |
Altitude |
841 ft | Current Error Light State |
Latitude |
N 42° 10' 41" | Remote Transmitters (1/2) |
Longitude |
W 88° 06' 08" |
Station Age (days) |
Local Time
Lake Zurich, IL
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